Atti Congressuali

Saluto Presidente Massimo de Bellis





Telemedicine and Stroke: experience from Legnano Hospital’s Stroke Unit

M.V. Calloni, L. Chiveri, A. Giorgetti, F. Muscia, G.M. Nuzzaco, M. Panebianco, L. Politini, E. Vecchio, P. Perrone












Proceedings SNO








Introduction: According to the ATA, telemedicine is the exchange of medical information from one site to another using electronic comunication, such as telephone, internet, or videoconference (1). Telestroke is the application of telemedicine for care of acute strokes (2).

Objective: The aim of this paper is to bring our expertise to confirm the importance of the application of modern technologies in medicine for improving diagnosis and care of the stroke.

Method: Since 2016 we have an hub-and-spoke model of telemedicine-delivered stroke care. Telemedicine system enable real-time communication using a digital camera and software that are controlled by the stroke specialist.

Results: The preliminary data have demonstrated that using telestroke we started trombolysis with a median time saved of 60-90 minutes and an implementation of this time-sensitive therapy of about 30%.

Conclusions: Telestroke is a new approach to bring expert stroke care to remote locations, with limited or no neurological expertise. The rising use of telemedicine could actively improve diagnosis and care of stroke even if patients live in remote places.


1. American Telemedicine Association Web site, ATA Definig Telemedicine. Accessed November 14, 2008.

2. Demaerschalk B.M., Miley M., Kiernan T.E., Borrow B., Corday D.A., Wellik K.E., Aguilar M.I., Ingall T.J., Dodick D.W., Brazdys K., Koch T.C., Ward M.P., Richemont P.C.: Stroke telemedicine. Mayo Clinic Proc 2009; 84 (1): 53-64.










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 Proceedings SNO - ISBN 978-88-8041 - Copyright  © 2017 SNO & new MAGAZINE s.r.l. - Italy