Towards the sisifo-pe score: when is stroke related to patent foramen ovale? E. Sacchini, D. Giannandrea, C. Padiglioni, S. Mastrocola, C. Marando, L.M. Greco, A. Mattioni, P. Eusebi, T. Mazzoli, E. Marsili, A. Gallina, E. Gallinella, I. Sicilia, S. Cenciarelli, A. VECCHIO, G. FRANCO, F. Galati, D. Consoli, S. Ricci |
Summary |
Proceedings SNO |
Objective: We aimed to evaluate the performance of Risk of Paradoxical Embolism (RoPE) score in SISIFO (Studio Italiano di prevalenza nello Stroke Ischemico di pervietà del Forame Ovale) population. Moreover we wanted to assess our score to stratify cryptogenic stroke by the probability that the stroke was related to patent foramen ovale (PFO). Methods: Using the dataset of SISIFO study we have calculated in all subjects the RoPE score, but we had to use the OCSP classification instead of the item “cortical infarct on imaging” because we had not this data. We evaluated the neuro-imaging of patients enrolled in Vibo Valentia and Città di Castello in order to calculate the real RoPE score and its performance. We did not consider the indeterminate stroke as described in TOAST classification, but we have extrapolated subjects who met the criteria for ESUS. Finally we plan to calculate a new score. Results: In all ESUS patients the modified RoPE score predicted PFO with a fair accuracy (AUC = 0.75, 95% CI = 0.69-0.81). Moreover we found that the prevalence of PFO was higher in ESUS patients with respect to other stroke categories in people aged 40-59 or younger. In older patients we didn’t observe any significant increase Conclusion: These results confirm the utility of RoPE score in the clinical setting; furthermore, our modified score show the same effectiveness of the original one. Its independence from neuroimaging facilitates the applicability in non-highly specialised setting. |
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