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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LXI Congresso Nazionale SNO”

                 Onyike CU, Hillis AE, Josephs KA, Boeve BF, Kertesz A,  Mori E, Murray M, O’Brien JT, Orimo S, Postuma RB,
                 Seeley WW, Rankin KP, Johnson JK, Gorno-Tempini ML,  Ramaswamy S, Ross OA, Salmon DP, Singleton A, Taylor A,
                 Rosen H, Prioleau-Latham CE, Lee A, Kipps CM, Lillo P,  Thomas A, Tiraboschi P, Toledo JB, Trojanowski JQ, Tsuang
                 Piguet O, Rohrer JD, Rossor MN, Warren JD, Fox NC,  D, Walker Z, Yamada M, Kosaka K. Diagnosis and manage-
                 Galasko D, Salmon DP, Black SE, Mesulam M, Weintraub S,  ment of dementia with Lewy bodies: Fourth consensus report
                 Dickerson BC, Diehl-Schmid J, Pasquier F, Deramecourt V,  of the DLB Consortium. Neurology 2017; 89 (1): 88-100.
                 Lebert F, Pijnenburg Y, Chow TW, Manes F, Grafman J,
                                                               8. Cagnin A, Bussè C, Gardini S, Jelcic N, Guzzo C, Gnoato F,
                 Cappa SF, Freedman M, Grossman M, Miller BL. Sensitivity  Mitolo M, Ermani M, Caffarra P. Clinical and cognitive phe-
                 of revised diagnostic criteria for the behavioural variant of  notype of mild cognitive impairment evolving to dementia
                 frontotemporal dementia. Brain 2011; 134 (Pt 9): 2456-2477.
                                                                 with Lewy bodies. Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra 2015; 5
              5. Gorno-Tempini ML, Hillis AE, Weintraub S, Kertesz A,  (3): 442-449.
                 Mendez M, Cappa SF, Ogar JM, Rohrer JD, Black S, Boeve
                                                               9. McKeith IG, Ferman TJ, Thomas AJ, Blanc F, Boeve BF,
                 BF, Manes F, Dronkers NF, Vandenberghe R, Rascovsky K,
                                                                 Fujishiro H, Kantarci K, Muscio C, O’Brien JT, Postuma RB,
                 Patterson K, Miller BL, Knopman DS, Hodges JR, Mesulam  Aarsland D, Ballard C, Bonanni L, Donaghy P, Emre M,
                 MM, Grossman M. Classification of primary progressive  Galvin JE, Galasko D, Goldman JG, Gomperts SN, Honig LS,
                 aphasia and its variants. Neurology 2011; 76 (11): 1006-1014.
                                                                 Ikeda M, Leverenz JB, Lewis SJG, Marder KS, Masellis M,
              6. Greaves CV, Rohrer JD. An update on genetic frontotemporal  Salmon DP, Taylor JP, Tsuang DW, Walker Z, Tiraboschi P;
                 dementia. J Neurol 2019; 266 (8): 2075-2086.    prodromal DLB Diagnostic Study Group. Research criteria
                                                                 for the diagnosis of prodromal dementia with Lewy bodies.
              7. McKeith IG, Boeve BF, Dickson DW, Halliday G, Taylor JP,
                                                                 Neurology 2020; 94 (17): 743-755.
                 Weintraub D, Aarsland D, Galvin J, Attems J, Ballard CG,
                 Bayston A, Beach TG, Blanc F, Bohnen N, Bonanni L, Bras J,  10. Emre M, Aarsland D, Brown R, Burn DJ, Duyckaerts C,
                 Brundin P, Burn D, Chen-Plotkin A, Duda JE, El-Agnaf O,  Mizuno Y, Broe GA, Cummings J, Dickson DW, Gauthier S,
                 Feldman H, Ferman TJ, Ffytche D, Fujishiro H, Galasko D,  Goldman J, Goetz C, Korczyn A, Lees A, Levy R, Litvan I,
                 Goldman JG, Gomperts SN, Graff-Radford NR, Honig LS,  McKeith I, Olanow W, Poewe W, Quinn N, Sampaio C,
                 Iranzo A, Kantarci K, Kaufer D, Kukull W, Lee VMY,  Tolosa E, Dubois B. Clinical diagnostic criteria for dementia
                 Leverenz JB, Lewis S, Lippa C, Lunde A, Masellis M,  associated with Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord 2007; 22
                 Masliah E, McLean P, Mollenhauer B, Montine TJ, Moreno E,  (12): 1689-707.

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