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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LX Congresso Nazionale SNO”
                                                                                    GIOVEDÌ, 18 NOVEMBRE

              Abstract    COMUNICAZIONE ORALE

                      Acute middle cerebral artery occlusion
                      and underlying intracranial stenosis: c
                      linico-neuroradiological patterns and therapeutic approaches

                 A. CONSOLI , G. CARITÀ , A. SALETTI 2
                 1  Neuroradiologia Interventistica, Arcispedale “S. Anna”, Ferrara, Italy
                 2  Neuroradiologie thérapeutique et interventionnelle, Hopital Foch, Paris, France

              ❒ ❒ INTRODUCTION. Underlying IntraCranial Atheromatous  ❒ ❒ RESULTS. Hypertension (p = 0.02), diabetes (p < 0.001),
              Stenosis (ICAS) is one of the more challenging etiologies  lower rates of atrial fibrillation (p = 0.006), lower National
              to detect in the acute setting of ischemic stroke.  Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) at onset (p <
              Endovascular treatment is still currently debated for this  0.001) and NIHSS at arrival (p < 0.001) were more fre-
              subgroup of patients. We propose a clinico-neuroradiolog-  quent in the ICAS group. Procedure time were longer, the
              ical pattern to identify ICAS associated with M1-Middle  average number of maneuvers were higher in the ICAS
              Cerebral Artery (M1-MCA) occlusion and we report the  group (164 vs 76.4 min, p < 0.001; 5.7 vs 2.3, p < 0.001),
              results of the endovascular management of these patients.  while recanalization rates were significantly lower (mTICI
              ❒ ❒ METHODS. A cohort of 17 patients with ICAS was com-  0-2a 66.6% vs 16.7%, p < 0.001). Untreated patients with
              pared to a cohort of 303 patients with M1-MCA occlusion  ICAS had higher favorable outcome rates (100% vs 25%).
              without ICAS admitted to two experienced centers between  ❒ ❒ CONCLUSIONS. The analysis of clinical and neuroradio-
              January 2016 and June 2018. Clinical, neuroradiological  logical predictors could improve the pre-treatment detec-
              and procedural data were collected for all the patients as  tion of MCA occlusion with underlying ICAS. Conser-
              well as the clinical and neuroradiological outcomes.   vative management could be considered in these cases.

              Corrispondenza: Dr. Giuseppe Carità, Neuroradiologia Interventistica, Arcispedale “S. Anna”, via Aldo Moro, 44124 Ferrara (FE), e-
              LX Congresso Nazionale SNO, 17-20 novembre 2021, Cagliari.
              Atti a cura di Maurizio Melis, Carlo Conti, Simone Comelli.
              Copyright © 2021 by new Magazine edizioni s.r.l., Trento, Italia.  ISBN: 978-88-8041-134-5

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