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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LXI Congresso Nazionale SNO”

                 Magyari M. Incidence of MS has increased markedly over six  7. Bsteh G, Hegen H, Riedl K, Altmann P, Auer M, Berek K, Di
                 decades in Denmark particularly with late onset and in  Pauli F, Ehling R, Kornek B, Monschein  T, Rinner  W,
                 women. Neurology 2018; 90 (22): e1954-e1963.    Schmied C, Wurth S, Zebenholzer K, Zinganell A, Zrzavy T,
                                                                 Zulehner G, Deisenhammer F, Rommer P, Leutmezer F,
              4. Marrie RA. Comorbidity in multiple sclerosis: implications
                                                                 Berger T. Quantifying the risk of disease reactivation after in-
                 for patient care. Nat Rev Neurol 2017; 13 (6): 375-382.
                                                                 terferon and glatiramer acetate discontinuation in multiple
              5. Weideman AM,  Tapia-Maltos MA, Johnson K, Greenwood  sclerosis: The VIAADISC score. Eur J Neurol 2021; 28 (5):
                 M, Bielekova B. Meta-analysis of the age-dependent efficacy  1609-1616.
                 of multiple sclerosis treatments. Front Neurol 2017; 8: 577.
                                                               8. Prosperini L, Haggiag S, Tortorella C, Galgani S, Gasperini C.
              6. Jakimovski D, Eckert SP, Zivadinov R, Weinstock-Guttman B.  Age-related adverse events of disease-modifying treatments
                 Considering patient age when treating multiple sclerosis across  for multiple sclerosis: a meta-regression. Mult Scler 2021; 27
                 the adult lifespan. Expert Rev Neurother 2021; 21 (3): 353-364.  (9): 1391-1402.

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