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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LXI Congresso Nazionale SNO”

                                                                                             Figure 1. From Gui-
                                                                                             do da  Vigevano,  A-
                                                                                             nathomia Designata
                                                                                             per Figures, 1345.

              The first illustrated printed book with iconographic  JOHANNES EICHMANN, known as DRYANDER (1500-
              criteria entirely dedicated to anatomy, Commentaria  1560) provided in his Anatomiae a striking and beauti-
              cum amplissimis additionibus super anatomia Mun-  ful illustrated work with the most realistic rendering of
              dini, was published in 1521 by JACOPO BERENGARIO  the surface of the brain before Vesalius, such as the set
              DA CARPI (1460-1530). Berengario was the first to un-  of illustrations that depicted in detail the dura mater but
              derstand the didactic value of images in printed texts  he did not have a similar command of involved talent-
              and to realize the importance of direct experience:  ed artists as had Vesalius, because of inaccuracies of
              anatomy cannot be acquired “per solam vivam vocem,  his work reflecting medieval scholasticism (Figure 3).
              aut per scripturam” but “visus et tactus” are also in-  With ANDREAS VESALIUS (1514-1564) for the first
              dispensable. In the second edition of his book Isagoge  time the anatomical descriptions were accompanied
              breves Perlucide ac uberimae in Anatomiam humani  by illustrations based on the dissections of human
              corporis (1522) is inserted a woodcut, considered the  material that reveal the realistic representation of the
              first realistic illustration of the human brain, with the  human figure. As a manifesto of the new method of
              representation of the dura mater reflected to show the  study the work of Vesalius, rejecting the views of his
              brain from above, resulting from a direct anatomical  Galenic teachers, can be considered a revolutionary
              dissection (Figure 2).                           text. Vesalius, appropriating the idea of autopsy as the

                                                                                              Figura 2. From
                                                                                              Berengario da Car-
                                                                                              pi, Isagoge breves,

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