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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LXI Congresso Nazionale SNO”

                                                               Figura 7. From Caspar Bartholin,  Institutiones Anatomicae,

              Figura 6. From Fabrici, Tabulae Pictae, 1600.

              Nervorum deals with the nervous system and con-
              tains the only known illustrations regarding neu-
              roanatomy. It consists of 21 tables preserved in the
              Marciana Library in Venice. Despite the realization
              of this splendid collection, neither a systematic de-
              scription nor an iconographic record regarding nerv-
              ous structures were found to be published by Fabrici.
              In these Tabulae Fabrici shows the first representa-
              tion of lateral sylvian fissure, where the convolutions
              are depicted with detailed realism (Figure 6), 40
              years earlier the drawing and description by CASPAR
              BARTHOLIN (1655-1738) in his  Institutiones Anato-
              micae (Figure 7).
              IULIUS CASSERIUS (1552-1616) illustrated the arach-
              noid for the first time in his anatomical atlas  De
              Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Decem published in
              1627. He depicts a membrane adjacent to and com-
              pletely enveloping the brain, obviously the pia mem-
              brane, but also a second membrane, the arachnoid,
              stretched over the gyri but did not dip into the sulci
              (Figure 8).                                      Figura 8 From Casserio, Tabulae Anatomicae LXXIIX, 1627.

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