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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LXI Congresso Nazionale SNO”

              Figura 9. From Ruysch,  Epistola Anato-
              mica, 1699.

              CASPAR BAUHIN (1560-1624) pub-
              lished in 1605  Theatrum anatomi-
              cum that was considered as the
              finest comprehensive text in anato-
              my. His major contribution was the
              introduction of a descriptive termi-
              nology which replaced the preva-
              lent trend of naming the structures
              reforming the anatomical nomen-
              clature with ordinal numbers and
              cleared the confusion among anato-
              mists in relation to identification of
              structures. He described a thin mén-
              inx and choroeidés that reproduces
              the shape of the brain.
              Although the dura mater and pia     Figura 10. From Bidloo, Ontleding des menschelyken lichaams, 1690.
              mater were recognised by ancient
              anatomists, it was not until 1664
              that the arachnoid was officially recognised and  of “arachnoid mater” can be attributed in 1692, was
              named by the Dutch anatomist GERARDUS BLASIUS    perhaps the first to describe and illustrate the full
              (1626-1692). He was the first to describe the arach-  covering of the brain by this layer with spider-like
              noid membrane as “tertia cerebri meninge” as a dis-  morphology in 1699, confirming that the arachnoid
              tinct layer between the dura and the pia membranes,  membrane was a complete layer surrounding the
              covering the cortex and the base of the brain and gave  brain. He used the term “arachnoid” roughly mean-
              it the name of “arachnoid” and its authenticity re-  ing “spider-like” and referring to the “web-like”
              ceived the imprimatur of the  Collegium Medicum  structure of this layer covering the cortex and the
              Privatum Amstelodamense (1667) entering in formal  base of the brain. He described the appearance and
              medical nomenclature.                            the extension of the arachnoid covering the brain sur-
              FREDERICK RUYSCH (1638-1731), to whom the term   face by blowing air under it (Figure 9).

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