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Proceedings SNO “LX Congresso Nazionale SNO”
❒ ❒ CONCLUSIONI. La RS è una tecnica sicura ed efficacie Preusser M; EANO Executive Board and ESMO Guidelines
per il trattamento delle metastasi cerebrali da tumori soli- Committee. Electronic address:
di, complementare rispetto alla chirurgia ed alle altre tec- EANO-ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis,
treatment and follow-up of patients with brain metastasis from
niche di radioterapia. La decisione di sottoporre un pazien-
solid tumours. Ann Oncol 2021; 32 (11): 1332-1347.
te a RS e di quale protocollo di frazionamento della dose
utilizzare deve essere fatta caso per caso sulla base di una 4. Soffietti R, Abacioglu U, Baumert B, Combs SE, Kinhult S,
serie di parametri tumore- e paziente-specifici (1-7) . Kros JM, Marosi C, Metellus P, Radbruch A, Villa Freixa SS,
Brada M, Carapella CM, Preusser M, Le Rhun E, Rudà R,
Tonn JC, Weber DC, Weller M. Diagnosis and treatment of
brain metastases from solid tumors: guidelines from the
BIBLIOGRAFIA European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO). Neuro
Oncol 2017; 19 (2): 162-174.
1. Graber JJ, Cobbs CS, Olson JJ. Congress of Neurological
Surgeons Systematic Review and evidence-based guidelines 5. Sperduto PW, Kased N, Roberge D, Xu Z, Shanley R, Luo X,
on the use of stereotactic radiosurgery in the treatment of Sneed PK, Chao ST, Weil RJ, Suh J, Bhatt A, Jensen AW,
adults with metastatic brain Tumors. Neurosurgery 2019; 84 Brown PD, Shih HA, Kirkpatrick J, Gaspar LE, Fiveash JB,
(3): E168-E70. Chiang V, Knisely JP, Sperduto CM, Lin N, Mehta M.
Summary report on the graded prognostic assessment: an ac-
2. Kocher M, Wittig A, Piroth MD, Treuer H, Seegenschmiedt H,
curate and facile diagnosis-specific tool to estimate survival
Ruge M, Grosu AL, Guckenberger M. Stereotactic radio-
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GRO Working Group on Stereotactic Radiotherapy.
Strahlenther Onkol 2014; 190 (6): 521-532. 6. Suh JH. Stereotactic radiosurgery for the management of brain
metastases. N Engl J Med. 2010; 362 (12): 1119-1127.
3. Le Rhun E, Guckenberger M, Smits M, Dummer R, Bachelot
T, Sahm F, Galldiks N, de Azambuja E, Berghoff AS, Metellus 7. Suh JH, Kotecha R, Chao ST, Ahluwalia MS, Sahgal A, Chang
P, Peters S, Hong YK, Winkler F, Schadendorf D, van den EL. Current approaches to the management of brain metas-
Bent M, Seoane J, Stahel R, Minniti G, Wesseling P, Weller M, tases. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2020; 17 (5): 279-299.
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