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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LX Congresso Nazionale SNO”

              BIBLIOGRAFIA                                       A, Comi G, Eraksoy M, Hegen H, Hillert J, Jensen PE, Moiola
                                                                 L, Myhr KM, Oturai A, Schippling S, Siva A, Sorensen PS,
              1. Bloomgren G, Richman S, Hotermans C, Subramanyam M,  Trampe AK, Weber T, Potts J, Plavina T, Paes D, Subrama-
                Goelz S, Natarajan A, Lee S, Plavina T, Scanlon JV, Sandrock A,  nyam M, Wiendl H, Dib H, Uren D, Hemmer B, Buck D. Anti-
                Bozic C. Risk of natalizumab-associated progressive multifocal  JC virus antibody prevalence in a multinational multiple scle-
                leukoencephalopathy. N Engl J Med 2012; 366 (20): 1870-1880.  rosis cohort. Mult Scler 2013; 19 (11): 1533-1538.
              2. Major EO, Yousry TA, Clifford DB. Pathogenesis of progres-  4. Gorelik L, Lerner M, Bixler S, Crossman M, Schlain B, Simon
                sive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and risks associated with  K, Pace A, Cheung A, Chen LL, Berman M, Zein F, Wilson E,
                treatments for multiple sclerosis: a decade of lessons learned.  Yednock T, Sandrock A, Goelz SE, Subramanyam M. Anti-JC
                Lancet Neurol 2018; 17 (5): 467-480.             virus antibodies: implications for PML risk stratification. Ann
              3. Olsson T, Achiron A, Alfredsson L, Berger T, Brassat D, Chan  Neurol 2010; 68 (3): 295-303.

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