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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LXI Congresso Nazionale SNO”

              In particolare la presenza di “T2/Flair mismatch sign” ri-  Reifenberger G, Weller M, Loeffler M, von Deimling A.
              sulta essere specifica al 100% dello stato mutazionale IDH,  Patients with IDH1 wild type anaplastic astrocytomas exhibit
              sebbene non presenti alta sensibilità. Inoltre le sequenze  worse prognosis than IDH1-mutated glioblastomas, and IDH1
                                                                 mutation status accounts for the unfavorable prognostic effect
              DWI, mediante l’utilizzo delle mappe del coefficiente di
                                                                 of higher age: implications for classification of gliomas. Acta
              diffusione apparente (ADC) è in grado di discriminare tra
                                                                 Neuropathol 2010; 120 (6): 707-718.
              IDH-Wt e IDH-Mut ma non tra IDH-Wt e IDH-Mut
                                                               4. Beiko J, Suki D, Hess KR, Fox BD, Cheung V, Cabral M,
              1p/19q codeleti.
                                                                 Shonka N, Gilbert MR, Sawaya R, Prabhu SS, Weinberg J,
              ❒ ❒ CONCLUSIONI. L’associazione tra vari sottotipi moleco-
                                                                 Lang FF, Aldape KD, Sulman EP, Rao G, McCutcheon IE,
              lari tumorali e l’imaging convenzionale RM offre un’op-  Cahill DP. IDH1 mutant malignant astrocytomas are more
              portunità per la previsione non invasiva della genetica mo-  amenable to surgical resection and have a survival benefit as-
              lecolare nei gliomi. L’aggiunta di dati quantitativi come la  sociated with maximal surgical resection. Neuro Oncol 2014;
              valutazione dei valori ADC potrebbe essere utilizzato di  16 (1): 81-91.
              routine come un semplice marcatore non invasivo di mole-  5. Habib A, Jovanovich N, Hoppe M, Ak M, Mamindla P, R
              colare-specifico e potrebbe aiutare il processo decisionale  Colen R, Zinn PO. MRI-Based radiomics and radiogenomics
              nei pazienti con glioma.                           in the management of low-grade gliomas: evaluating the evi-
                                                                 dence for a paradigm shift. J Clin Med 2021; 10 (7): 1411.
                                                               6. Bhandari A, Sharma C, Ibrahim M, Riggs M, Jones R,
                                                                 Lasocki A. The role of 2-hydroxyglutarate magnetic reso-
                                                                 nance spectroscopy for the determination of isocitrate dehy-
              1. Louis DN, Perry A, Reifenberger G, von Deimling A,  drogenase status in lower grade gliomas versus glioblastoma:
                 Figarella-Branger D, Cavenee WK, Ohgaki H, Wiestler OD,  a systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accu-
                 Kleihues P, Ellison DW. The 2016 World Health Organization  racy. Neuroradiology 2021; 63 (11): 1823-1830.
                 Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System: a  7. Lu J, Li X, Li H. Perfusion parameters derived from MRI for
                 summary. Acta Neuropathol 2016; 131 (6): 803-820.
                                                                 preoperative prediction of IDH mutation and MGMT promot-
              2. Louis DN, Perry A, Wesseling P, Brat DJ, Cree IA, Figarella-  er methylation status in glioblastomas. Magn Reson Imaging
                 Branger D, Hawkins C, Ng HK, Pfister SM, Reifenberger G,  2021; 83: 189-195.
                 Soffietti R, von Deimling A, Ellison DW. The 2021 WHO  8. Thust SC, Heiland S, Falini A, Jäger HR, Waldman AD,
                 Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System: a
                                                                 Sundgren PC, Godi C, Katsaros VK, Ramos A, Bargallo N,
                 summary. Neuro Oncol 2021; 23 (8): 1231-1251.
                                                                 Vernooij MW, Yousry T, Bendszus M, Smits M. Glioma im-
              3. Hartmann C, Hentschel B, Wick W, Capper D, Felsberg J,  aging in Europe: a survey of 220 centres and recommenda-
                 Simon M, Westphal M, Schackert G, Meyermann R, Pietsch T,  tions for best clinical practice. Eur Radiol 2018; 28 (8): 3306-

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