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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LXI Congresso Nazionale SNO”

                 Nervous System (4th edion, updated edition). International  3. Louis DN, Perry A, Wesseling P, Brat DJ, Cree IA, Figarella-
                 Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, 2016.      Branger D, Hawkins C, Ng HK, Pfister SM, Reifenberger G,
                                                                 Soffietti R, von Deimling A, Ellison DW. The 2021 WHO
              2. WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board. World
                 Health Organization Classification of Tumours of the Central  Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System: a
                 Nervous System (5th edition). International Agency for  summary. Neuro Oncol 2021; 23 (8): 1231-1251.
                 Research on Cancer; Lyon, 2021.

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