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Proceedings SNO                                                   “LXII Congresso Nazionale SNO”
                                                                                 MERCOLEDÌ, 27 SETTEMBRE

              Abstract    SIMPOSI PARALLELI:

                      New advances in the treatment
                      of cranio-vertebral junction anomalies

                 C. BREMBILLA, G. CRACCHIOLO, A. FANTI

                 Department of Neurosurgery, “Pope John XXIII” Hospital, Bergamo, Italy

              The CranioVertebral Junction (CVJ) represents a critical  making fixation of this region complex and dangerous for
              anatomical region connecting the skull and the cervical  such patients.
              spine. It is a biomechanically complex articulation that re-  Over the years, significant innovations in the technological
              presents the most dynamic area of the cervical spine.  field have revolutionized the treatment of CVJM. One such
              CranioVertebral Junction Malformations (CVJM) compri-  notable advancement is the integration of intraoperative
              se a wide spectrum of diseases, that can be divided into  neuronavigation systems. Our intention is to shed light on
              congenital, developmental, or acquired forms. Often, mul-  the pivotal role of intraoperative neuronavigation in the
              tiple forms can coexist together, posing significant chal-  posterior fixation of CVJM. We reported our experience
              lenges due to their intricate anatomy. Since the publication  and a comprehensive review of the literature, in which we
              of Goel and Laheri landmark paper in 1994, the surgical  focused on the feasibility and safety of the treatment by cu-
              treatment of CVJ pathologies has undergone significant  stomizing screw fixation to overcome the patient’s anato-
              development and changes. CVJM may distort the usual  mical barriers.
              anatomical landmarks, thus misleading the surgeon, and

              Corrispondenza: Dr. Carlo Brembilla, SC di Neurochirurgia, ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII, piazza Organizzazione Mondiale della
              Sanità, 24127 Bergamo (BG), e-mail:
              LXII Congresso Nazionale SNO, 27-30 settembre 2023, Firenze.
              Atti a cura di Pasquale Palumbo e Bruno Zanotti.
              Copyright © 2023 by new Magazine edizioni s.r.l., Trento, Italia.  ISBN: 978-88-8041-138-3

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