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Proceedings SNO                                                        “Cranioplastica terapeutica”

               10. Lafaurie P.: Chirurgia delle perdite di sostanza del cuoio  14. Seitz I.A., Gottlieb L.J.: Reconstruction of scalp and fo-
                  capelluto. Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale (I - 45-  rehead defects. Clin Plast Surg 2009; 36 (3): 355-377.
                  515): 1-10.
                                                                15. Temple C.L., Ross D.C.: Scalp and forehead reconstruc-
               11. Leedy J.E., Janis J.E., Rohrich R.J.: Reconstruction of ac-  tion. Clin Plast Surg 2005; 32 (3): 377-390, vi-vii.
                  quired scalp defects: an algorithmic approach. Plast
                                                                16. Wain R.A., Shah S.H., Senarath-Yapa K., Laitung J.K.:
                  Reconstr Surg 2005; 116 (4): 54e-72e.
                                                                   Dermal substitutes do well on dura: comparison of split
               12. Mathes S.J., Nahai F. (editors): Reconstructive surgery:  skin grafting+/-artificial dermis for reconstruction of full-
                  principles, anatomy, & technique. Churchill Livingstone,  thickness calvarial defects. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg
                  New York, 1997.                                  2010; 63 (12): e826-828.
               13. Moss C.J., Mendelson B.C., Taylor G.I.: Surgical ana-  17. Wollina U., Bayyoud Y.: Reconstruction of a large scalp
                  tomy of the ligamentous attachments in the temple and  defect by the sequential use of dermal substitute, self-fil-
                  periorbital regions. Plast Reconstr Surg 2000; 105 (4):  ling osmotic tissue expander and rotational flap. J Cutan
                  1475-1490.                                       Aesthet Surg 2010: 3 (2): 106-110.

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