Page 53 - Atti_SNO_LX_2021.qxd
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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LX Congresso Nazionale SNO”

                Roelz R, Coenen VA. Automatic segmentation of the subthal-  thalamic nucleus targeting. Neurosurgery 2002; 50 (1): 58-67.
                amic nucleus: a viable option to support planning and visuali-
                                                               4. Verhagen R, Schuurman PR, van den Munckhof P, Contarino
                zation of patient-specific targeting in deep brain stimulation.  MF, de Bie RM, Bour LJ. Comparative study of microelec-
                Oper Neurosurg 2019; 17 (5): 497-502.
                                                                 trode recording-based STN location and MRI-based STN lo-
              3. Sterio D, Zonenshayn M, Mogilner AY, Rezai AR, Kiprovski  cation in low to ultra-high field (7.0 T) T2-weighted MRI im-
                K, Kelly PJ, Beric A. Neurophysiological refinement of sub-  ages. J Neural Eng 2016; 13 (6): 066009.

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