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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LXI Congresso Nazionale SNO”

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                 Findings in Brain Imaging Research. Ethics. Incidental find-  tal findings detected during research imaging. London
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                 783-784.                                      5. van der Lugt A. Incidental findings on brain magnetic reso-
              2. Shoemaker JM, Holdsworth MT, Aine C, Calhoun VD, de La  nance imaging. BMJ 2009; 339: b3107.
                 Garza R, Feldstein Ewing SW, Hayek R, Mayer AR, Kiehl  6. Weiner C. Anticipate and communicate: Ethical management
                 KA, Petree LE, Sanjuan P, Scott A, Stephen J, Phillips JP. A  of incidental and secondary findings in the clinical, research,
                 practical approach to incidental findings in neuroimaging re-  and direct-to-consumer contexts (December 2013 report of
                 search. Neurology 2011; 77 (24): 2123-2127.     the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical

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