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Proceedings SNO                                                        “Cranioplastica terapeutica”

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               di materiale inerte fra tessuti molli e dura (42)  (Figura
                                                                6.  Coutinho J.M., Majoie C.B., Coert B.A., Stam J.: Decom-
               13). Sarà così grandemente favorita la successiva fa-
                                                                   pressive hemicraniectomy in cerebral sinus thrombosis:
               se di cranioplastica.                               consecutive case series and review of the literature.
                                                                   Stroke 2009; 40 (6): 2233-2235.
                                                                7.  Csokay A., Egyud L., Nagy L., Pataki G.: Vascular tunnel
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                                                                9.  Cushing H.: The establishment of cerebral hernia as a de-
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                                                                   compressive measure for inaccessible brain tumors with
               vita di pochi mesi, piuttosto che un Paziente con
                                                                   the description of intramuscular methods of making the
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               ciò sia eticamente corretto.                     10. D’Ambrosio A.L., Sughrue M.E., Yorgason J.G., Mocco
                                                                   J.D., Kreiter K.T., Mayer S.A., McKhann G.M. 2nd, Con-
                                                                   nolly E.S. Jr.: Decompressive hemicraniectomy for poor-
                                                                   grade aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage patients with
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                  Research Interdisciplinary Working Groups: the Ameri-
                                                                13. Fandino J., Keller E., Barth A., Landolt H., Yonekawa Y.,
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                                                                   Seiler R.W.: Decompressive craniotomy after middle ce-
                  deline as an educational tool for neurologists. Stroke  rebral artery infarction. Retrospective analysis of patients
                  2007; 38 (5): 1655-1711.
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                  Guidelines for the early management of adults with ische-
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                  search Interdisciplinary Working Groups: The American  16. Gupta R., Connolly E.S., Mayer S., Elkind M.S.: Hemi-
                  Academy of Neurology affirms the value of this guideli-  craniectomy for massive middle cerebral artery territory
                  ne as an educational tool for neurologists. Circulation  infarction: a systematic review. Stroke 2004; 35 (2): 539-
                  2007; 115 (20): e478-534.                        543.
               3.  Balan C., Alliez B.: Decompressive craniectomy - from  17. Hofmeijer J., Amelink G.J., Algra A., van Gijn J., Macleod

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