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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LXI Congresso Nazionale SNO”

              a replicare i risultati dello studio attraverso misure quanti-  Prettyman R. A Pilot Study of the Physiological and behav-
              tative e ad indagare eventuali effetti positivi sulla terapia  ioural effects of Snoezelen in dementia. Br J Occup Th 2002;
              farmacologica al bisogno degli utenti disabili.    65 (2): 61-66.
                                                               2. Baker R, Bell S, Baker E, Gibson S, Holloway J, Pearce R,
                                                                 Dowling Z, Thomas P, Assey J, Wareing LA. A randomized
                                                                 controlled trial of the effects of Multi-Sensory Stimulation
                                                                 (MSS) for people with dementia. Br J Clin Psychol 2001; 40
              1. Van Diepen E, Baillon SF, Redman J, Rooke N, Spencer DA,  (1): 81-96.

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