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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LXI Congresso Nazionale SNO”

                 ter decompressive craniectomy in infants: The hidden enemy  the auspices of the European Society for Paediatric Neuro-
                 of cranial repair? Childs Nerv Syst 2019; 35 (9): 1467-1471.   surgery (ESPN). Childs Nerv Syst 2022; 38 (8): 1461-1467.
              9. Beez T, Schuhmann MU, Frassanito P, Di Rocco F, Thomale  10. Frassanito P, Beez T. Cranial repair in children: Techniques,
                 UW, Bock HC. Protocol for the multicentre prospective pae-  materials, and peculiar issues. Advances and Technical
                 diatric craniectomy and cranioplasty registry (pedCCR) under  Standards in Neurosurgery (Volume 48), Springer (in press).

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