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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LXI Congresso Nazionale SNO”

              guida riconosciute dalla Società Internazionale di  Meglio M. Neurophysiology of complex spinal cord untether-
              Neurofisiologia Intraoperatoria sui criteri di ‘warning’ che  ing. J Clin Neurophysiol 2014; 31 (4): 326-336.
              devono allertare il neurochirurgo, è riconosciuto che la  6. Sala F, Squintani G, Tramontano V, Arcaro C, Faccioli F,
              preservazione dei potenziali evocati motori a fine inter-  Mazza C. Intraoperative neurophysiology in tethered cord
              vento correla con outcome favorevole.              surgery: techniques and results. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013; 29
                                                                 (9): 1611-1624.
                                                               7. Paradiso G, Lee GY, Sarjeant R, Hoang L, Massicotte EM,
              BIBLIOGRAFIA                                       Fehlings MG. Multimodality intraoperative neurophysiologic
                                                                 monitoring findings during surgery for adult tethered cord
              1. Tortori-Donati P, Rossi A, Biancheri R, Cama A. Congenital  syndrome: analysis of a series of 44 patients with long-term
                 malformations of the spine and spinal cord. In: PT Tortori-
                                                                 follow-up. Spine 2006; 31 (18): 2095-2102.
                 Donati PT, A Rossi (editors): Pediatric neuroradiology.
                 Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2022: 1551-1608      8. Gunnarsson T, Krassioukov AV, Sarjeant R, Fehlings MG.
                                                                 Real-time continuous intraoperative electromyographic and
              2. Pang D, Wilberger JE Jr. Tethered cord syndrome in adults. J
                                                                 somatosensory evoked potential recordings in spinal surgery:
                 Neurosurg 1982; 57 (1): 32-47.
                                                                 correlation of clinical and electrophysiologic findings in a
              3. Kulkarni AV, Pierre-Kahn A, Zerah M. Conservative manage-  prospective, consecutive series of 213 cases. Spine 2004; 29
                 ment of asymptomatic spinal lipomas of the conus. Neuro-  (6): 677-684.
                 surgery 2004; 54 (4): 868-873.
                                                               9. Quiñones-Hinojosa A, Gadkary CA, Gulati M, von Koch CS,
              4. Pang D. Intraoperative neurophysiology of the conus medul-
                                                                 Lyon R, Weinstein PR, Yingling CD. Neurophysiological
                 laris and cauda equina. Childs Nerv Syst 2010; 26 (4): 411-412.  monitoring for safe surgical tethered cord syndrome release in
              5. Sala F, Tramontano V, Squintani G, Arcaro C, Tot E, Pinna G,  adults. Surg Neurol 2004; 62 (2): 127-133.

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