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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LX Congresso Nazionale SNO”

              2. Brennan KA, Genever RW. Managing Parkinson’s disease  5. Vijayan S, Singh B, Ghosh S, Stell R, Mastaglia FL.
                during surgery. BMJ 2010; 341: c5718.            Brainstem ventilatory dysfunction: a plausible mechanism for
                                                                 dyspnea in Parkinson’s Disease? Mov Disord. 2020; 35 (3):
              3. Wüllner U, Kassubek J, Odin P, Schwarz M, Naumann M, Häck
                HJ, Boroojerdi B, Reichmann H; NEUPOS Study Group.  379-388.
                Transdermal rotigotine for the perioperative management of  6. Lubomski M, Rushworth RL, Tisch S. Hospitalisation and co-
                Parkinson’s disease. J Neural Transm 2010; 117 (7): 855-859.  morbidities in Parkinson’s disease: a large Australian retro-
                                                                 spective study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2015; 86 (3):
              4. Antonini A, Odin P. Pros and cons of apomorphine and L-dopa
                continuous infusion in advanced Parkinson’s disease.
                Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2009; 15 (Suppl 4): S97-100.

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