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Proceedings SNO                                                    “LX Congresso Nazionale SNO”

              multiorgano a carattere progressivo, è inoltre essenziale la  4. Kolodny E, Fellgiebel A, Hilz MJ, Sims K, Caruso P, Phan TG,
              gestione integrata dei pazienti affetti mediante la collabo-  Politei J, Manara R, Burlina A. Cerebrovascular involvement
              razione tra i vari specialisti: nefrologi, cardiologi, genetisti,  in Fabry disease: current status of knowledge. Stroke 2015; 46
              radiologi, neurologi e pediatri.                   (1): 302-13.
                                                               5. Berger JR. Misdiagnosis of multiple sclerosis in a female het-
                                                                 erozygote with Fabry’s disease. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2019;
                                                                 30: 45-47.
                                                               6. Wise  AH,  Yang  A, Naik H, Stauffer C, Zeid N, Liong C,
              1. Desnick RJ, Ioannou YA, Eng ME. Alpha-galactosidase A de-  Balwani M, Desnick RJ,  Alcalay RN. Parkinson’s disease
                ficiency: Fabry disease. In: Scriver CR, Beaudet AL, Sly WS,
                                                                 prevalence in Fabry disease: A survey study. Mol Genet Metab
                Valle D (editors): The metabolic bases of inherited disease (8th
                                                                 Rep 2017; 14: 27-30.
                edition), vol. 3. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2001: 3733-3774.
                                                               7. Alcalay RN, Wolf P, Levy OA, Kang UJ, Waters C, Fahn S,
              2. Germain DP. Fabry disease. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2010; 5: 30
                                                                 Ford B, Kuo SH, Vanegas N, Shah H, Liong C, Narayan S,
              3. Germain DP, Benistan K, Angelova L. X-linked inheritance  Pauciulo MW, Nichols WC, Gan-Or Z, Rouleau GA, Chung
                and its implication in the diagnosis and management of female  WK, Oliva P, Keutzer J, Marder K, Zhang XK. Alpha galac-
                patients in Fabry disease. Rev Med Intern 2010; 31 (S2):  tosidase A activity in Parkinson’s disease. Neurobiol Dis 2018;
                S209-213.                                        112: 85-90.

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